J Cancer 2024; 15(3):714-728. doi:10.7150/jca.91033 This issue Cite


A concise review of the regulatory, diagnostic, and prognostic implications of HOXB-AS3 in tumors

Hongze Wu1,2#, Jiarong Ye3#, Mengqi Zhang4, Hongliang Luo1✉

1. Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, Nanchang 330000, Jiangxi, China.
2. Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiujiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jiujiang 332007, Jiangxi, China.
3. Nanchang University Queen Mary School, Nanchang 330038, Jiangxi, China.
4. The Second Clinical Medical College, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330038, Jiangxi, China.
# These two authors contributed equally to this work.

Wu H, Ye J, Zhang M, Luo H. A concise review of the regulatory, diagnostic, and prognostic implications of HOXB-AS3 in tumors. J Cancer 2024; 15(3):714-728. doi:10.7150/jca.91033. https://www.jcancer.org/v15p0714.htm
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Recent studies have reported that HOXB-AS3 (HOXB Cluster Antisense RNA 3) is an intriguing molecule with dual functionality as a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) and putative coding peptide in tumorigenesis and progression. The significant expression alterations of HOXB-AS3 were detected in diverse cancer types and closely correlated with clinical stage and patient survival. Furthermore, HOXB-AS3 was involved in a spectrum of biological processes in solid tumors and hematological malignancies, such as stemness, lipid metabolism, migration, invasion, and tumor growth. This review comprehensively analyzes its clinical relevance for diagnosis and prognosis across human tumors and summarizes its functional role and regulatory mechanisms in different malignant tumors, including liver cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, endometrial carcinoma, colon cancer, and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Overall, HOXB-AS3 emerges as a promising biomarker and novel therapeutic target in multiple human tumors.

Keywords: HOXB-AS3, human tumors, clinical significance, molecular target, biological functions, regulatory mechanisms

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Wu, H., Ye, J., Zhang, M., Luo, H. (2024). A concise review of the regulatory, diagnostic, and prognostic implications of HOXB-AS3 in tumors. Journal of Cancer, 15(3), 714-728. https://doi.org/10.7150/jca.91033.

Wu, H.; Ye, J.; Zhang, M.; Luo, H. A concise review of the regulatory, diagnostic, and prognostic implications of HOXB-AS3 in tumors. J. Cancer 2024, 15 (3), 714-728. DOI: 10.7150/jca.91033.

Wu H, Ye J, Zhang M, Luo H. A concise review of the regulatory, diagnostic, and prognostic implications of HOXB-AS3 in tumors. J Cancer 2024; 15(3):714-728. doi:10.7150/jca.91033. https://www.jcancer.org/v15p0714.htm

Wu H, Ye J, Zhang M, Luo H. 2024. A concise review of the regulatory, diagnostic, and prognostic implications of HOXB-AS3 in tumors. J Cancer. 15(3):714-728.

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