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Volume 7 (8); 2016

Research Paper

Radiotherapy and Sorafenib in the Management of Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Have Led to Improved Survival: A Single Center Experience
Assaf Moore, Michal Cohen-Naftaly, Ofer Benjaminov, Marius Braun, Assaf Issachar, Eitan Mor, Anna Tovar, Michal Sarfaty, Noa Gordon, Salomon M. Stemmer
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 883-889. doi:10.7150/jca.14721
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Less Invasive Endometrial Cancer Surgery with Extraperitoneal Pelvic and Para-aortic Lymphadenectomy via a Small Midline Abdominal Incision and the Retroperitoneal Approach
Shinichi Komiyama, Chiaki Takeya, Rena Takahashi, Sumito Nagasaki, Kaneyuki Kubushiro
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 890-899. doi:10.7150/jca.14987
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P53 Is Involved in a Three-Dimensional Architecture-Mediated Decrease in Chemosensitivity in Colon Cancer
Jianming He, Xi Liang, Fen Luo, Xuedan Chen, Xueqing Xu, Fengchao Wang, Zhenping Zhang
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 900-909. doi:10.7150/jca.14506
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Effect of Irradiation on Tissue Penetration Depth of Doxorubicin after Pressurized Intra-Peritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) in a Novel Ex-Vivo Model
Veria Khosrawipour, Urs Giger-Pabst, Tanja Khosrawipour, Yousef Hedayat Pour, David Diaz-Carballo, Eckart Förster, Hugo Böse-Ribeiro, Irenäus Anton Adamietz, Jürgen Zieren, Khashayar Fakhrian
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 910-914. doi:10.7150/jca.14714
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TERT Core Promotor Mutations in Early-Onset Bladder Cancer
Johannes Giedl, Anja Rogler, Andreas Wild, Marc-Oliver Riener, Thomas Filbeck, Maximilian Burger, Petra Rümmele, Carolyn Hurst, Margaret Knowles, Arndt Hartmann, Ulrike Zinnall, Robert Stoehr
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 915-920. doi:10.7150/jca.15006
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Treatment, Outcome and Prognostic Factors in Renal Cell Carcinoma - A Single Center Study (2000-2010)
Christof Achermann, Frank Stenner, Sacha I. Rothschild
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 921-927. doi:10.7150/jca.15228
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Correlation of GOLPH3 Gene with Wnt Signaling Pathway in Human Colon Cancer Cells
Cheng-Zhi Qiu, Ming-Zhen Wang, Wai-Shi Yu, Yan-Ta Guo, Chun-Xiao Wang, Xiao-Feng Yang
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 928-934. doi:10.7150/jca.13968
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Hepatitis B Virus X Protein Driven Alpha Fetoprotein Expression to Promote Malignant Behaviors of Normal Liver Cells and Hepatoma Cells
Mingyue Zhu, Yan Lu, Wei Li, Junli Guo, Xu Dong, Bo Lin, Yi Chen, Xieju Xie, Mengsen Li
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 935-946. doi:10.7150/jca.13628
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Effects of CDK4/6 Inhibition in Hormone Receptor-Positive/Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2-Negative Breast Cancer Cells with Acquired Resistance to Paclitaxel
Adriana Priscila Trapé, Shuying Liu, Andrea Carolina Cortes, Naoto T. Ueno, Ana Maria Gonzalez-Angulo
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 947-956. doi:10.7150/jca.14441
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Serum Ferritin as a Prognostic Biomarker for Survival in Relapsed or Refractory Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Sookyung Lee, Anna Song, Wankyu Eo
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 957-964. doi:10.7150/jca.14797
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Association between Perioperative Blood Transfusion and Oncologic Outcomes after Curative Surgery for Renal Cell Carcinoma
Yong Hyun Park, Yong-June Kim, Seok Ho Kang, Hyeon Hoe Kim, Seok-Soo Byun, Ji Youl Lee, Sung-Hoo Hong
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 965-972. doi:10.7150/jca.15073
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ELMO1 Directly Interacts with Gβγ Subunit to Transduce GPCR Signaling to Rac1 Activation in Chemotaxis
Youhong Wang, Xuehua Xu, Miao Pan, Tian Jin
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 973-983. doi:10.7150/jca.15118
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The Role of Prion Protein Expression in Predicting Gastric Cancer Prognosis
Zhaoqing Tang, Ji Ma, Wei Zhang, Changguo Gong, Jing He, Ying Wang, Guohua Yu, Chonggang Yuan, Xuefei Wang, Yihong Sun, Jiyan Ma, Fenglin Liu, Yulan Zhao
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 984-990. doi:10.7150/jca.14237
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The Long Noncoding RNA MALAT-1 is A Novel Biomarker in Various Cancers: A Meta-analysis Based on the GEO Database and Literature
Yumin Wang, Dan Xue, Yuwei Li, Xuya Pan, Xueying Zhang, Biao Kuang, Ming Zhou, Xiaoling Li, Wei Xiong, Guiyuan Li, Zhaoyang Zeng, Tubao Yang
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 991-1001. doi:10.7150/jca.14663
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Glypican-1 as a Biomarker for Prostate Cancer: Isolation and Characterization
Quach Truong, Irene O. Justiniano, Aline L. Nocon, Julie T. Soon, Sandra Wissmueller, Douglas H. Campbell, Bradley J. Walsh
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 1002-1009. doi:10.7150/jca.14645
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An Investigation on a Novel Anti-tumor Fusion Peptide of FSH33-53-IIKK
Runlin Yang, Ping Liu, Donghui Pan, Pengjun zhang, Zhicheng Bai, Yuping Xu, Lizhen Wang, Junjie Yan, Yongjun Yan, Xingdang Liu, Min Yang
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 1010-1019. doi:10.7150/jca.14425
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DJ-1 Is Upregulated in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Promotes Oral Cancer Cell Proliferation and Invasion
Shuaimei Xu, Dandan Ma, Rui Zhuang, Wenjuan Sun, Ying Liu, Jun Wen, Li Cui
J. Cancer 2016; 7(8): 1020-1028. doi:10.7150/jca.14539
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